
Adorned Caravans

I came across this feature the other day, amongst lots of other tear outs that I had stashed away. It's from a past issue of Vogue, I'm not sure exactly how long ago. I remember thinking "I need to do this!", it was the same reaction as when I watched the 1963 classic film Summer Holiday, where they decorate the interior of a red London double-decker bus and travel through Europe.
I have always been interested in interiors and I love this feature, however, I can't even afford a little car let alone a caravan... 

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

When I found out there was going to be a re-make of Disney's Alice in Wonderland I couldn't have been anymore excited! Alice in Wonderland has to be my favourite Disney classic, and to find out that Tim Burton was re-creating the film and Johnny Depp cast as the Mad Hatter, was even better.
I love how twisted and odd the story is, like a dream creeping into reality, everything is not how it seems. I really enjoy watching Burton's films, they are like dark fairytales and daydreams, written filled with imagination, inventions and fantasy.

Out March 5 2010. Click on the title to watch the trailer.